Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""phys2bids interfaces for loading extension files."""

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import groupby

import numpy as np

from phys2bids.physio_obj import BlueprintInput

LGR = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    "The file you are trying to convert might not be supported by phys2bids yet. "
    "Please open an issue on GitHub "
    "( "
    "so that we can improve file support!"

[docs]def check_multifreq(timeseries, freq, start=0, endat=None): """ Check if there are channels with different frequency than the maximum one. Parameters ---------- timeseries : list of numpy.ndarrays list of numpy.ndarrays representing channels. freq : list of floats list with the maximum frequency start : int, optional first sample of the channel to be considered endat : int or None, optional last sasmple to consider (None for last) Just in case the process takes too long Returns ------- multifreq_timeseries : list of numpy.ndarrays new list with the channels in their own frequency multifreq_freq : list of floats new list with the real frequency of the channels """"Checking if frequencies are different across channels") multifreq_freq = deepcopy(freq) multifreq_timeseries = deepcopy(timeseries) # Skip time for n, ch in enumerate(timeseries[1:]): n = n + 1 # Find lengths of repetitions groups = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(ch[start:endat])] count = [len(g) for g in groups] # If the file is multifrequency, the greatest common divisor is # higher than one and equal to the mode (cause repetitions are possible) gcd = np.gcd.reduce(count) if gcd > 1 and gcd == max(set(count), key=count.count): multifreq_freq[n] = freq[n] / gcd multifreq_timeseries[n] = ch[::gcd] return multifreq_timeseries, multifreq_freq
[docs]def generate_blueprint(timeseries, chtrig, interval, orig_units, orig_names): """ Generate blueprint object from various information. Standardize timeseries, chtrig interval orig_units and orig_names in the correct units and format and generate a physio_obj.BlueprintInput object. This function is mainly thought to adapt txt files. Parameters ---------- timeseries : list of numpy.ndarrays a list of numpy.ndarrays representing the channels chtrig : int index of trigger channel, count starts at 1 for human readability (and because index 0 is dedicated to time) interval : list of strings maximum sampling frequency or interval value and unit for the recording. Example: ["400", "Hz"] orig_units : list of strings contains original channels units orig_names : list of strings contains original channels name Returns ------- BlueprintInput Raises ------ AttributeError If sampling is not in ['min', 'sec', 'µsec', 'msec', 'MHz', 'kHz', 'Hz', 'hr', 'min', 's', 'ms', 'µs'] reference: page 194 See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ if interval[-1] not in [ "min", "sec", "µsec", "msec", "MHz", "kHz", "Hz", "hr", "min", "s", "ms", "µs", ]: raise AttributeError( f'Interval unit "{interval[-1]}" is not in a ' "valid frequency or time unit format, this probably " "means your file is not in min, sec, msec, µsec, hr, min, s, ms, µs, " "Mhz, KHz or Hz" ) # Check if the header is in frequency or sampling interval if "Hz" in interval[-1]: "Retrieving frequency from file header, calculating sample interval, " "and standardizing to Hz if needed" ) freq = float(interval[0]) freq_unit = interval[-1] if freq_unit == "MHz": freq = freq * (1000000) elif freq_unit == "kHz": freq = freq * 1000 interval[0] = 1 / freq freq = [freq] * len(timeseries) else: # check if interval is in seconds, if not change the units to seconds and # calculate frequency if interval[-1] not in ("s", "sec"): LGR.warning( "Sampling interval not expressed in seconds. " "Converting its value and unit." ) if interval[-1] == "min": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) * 60 elif interval[-1] == "msec": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) / 1000 elif interval[-1] == "µsec": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) / 1000000 elif interval[-1] == "hr": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) * 3600 elif interval[-1] == "ms": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) / 1000 elif interval[-1] == "µs": interval[0] = float(interval[0]) / 1000000 interval[-1] = "s" else: interval[0] = float(interval[0]) # get frequency freq = [1 / interval[0]] * len(timeseries) # reorder channels names names = ["time"] names = names + orig_names # reorder channels units units = ["s"] units = units + orig_units # Check if the file has a time channel, otherwise create it. # As the "time" doesn't have a column header, if the number of header names # is less than the number of timeseries, then "time" is column 0... # ...otherwise, create the time channel if not (len(orig_names) < len(timeseries)): duration = (timeseries[0].shape[0] + 1) * interval[0] t_ch = np.ogrid[0 : duration : interval[0]][:-1] # create time channel timeseries = [ t_ch, ] + timeseries freq = [max(freq)] + freq timeseries, freq = check_multifreq(timeseries, freq) return BlueprintInput(timeseries, freq, names, units, chtrig)
[docs]def read_header_and_channels(filename): """ Read a txt file with a header and channels and separate them. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the txt Labchart file Returns ------- header : list of strings header lines channel_list : list of strings The channels of the recording """ header = [] # Read in the header until it's numbers with open(filename, "r") as f: for n, line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t") if line[-1] == "": line.remove("") try: float(line[0]) break except ValueError: header.append(line) continue # Read in the rest paying attention to possible differences if "Interval=" in header[0]: # Not specifying delimiters will ignore comments channel_list = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=n) elif "acq" in header[0][0]: # Specifying delimiters will avoid missing values in the files channel_list = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=n, delimiter="\t") # Remove extra (empty?) columns, if present ch_number = int(header[2][0].split(" ")[0]) channel_list = channel_list[:, :ch_number] # Set all remaining NaNs to 0 channel_list = np.nan_to_num(channel_list) # Take first row and assign it back to header. header.append(list(channel_list[0, :].astype(int))) channel_list = channel_list[1:, :] # Make channel_list a list of singular arrays (one per channel) channel_list = [ch for ch in channel_list.T] return header, channel_list
[docs]def extract_header_items(header): """ Extract interval, orig_units and orig_names from header. Extract interval, orig_units and orig_names from header depending on the format (AcqKnowledge and labchart) Parameters ---------- header : list list that contains file header Returns ------- interval : list of strings maximum sampling frequency or interval value and unit for the recording orig_units : list of strings contains original channels units orig_names : list of strings contains original channels name Raises ------ NotImplementedError If len(header) == 0 and therefore there is no header If Labchart headers cannot be processed If files are not in acq or txt format """ # check header is not empty and detect if it is in labchart or Acqknoledge format if len(header) == 0: raise NotImplementedError("Files without header are not supported yet") elif "Interval=" in header[0]:"phys2bids detected that your file is in Labchart format") interval = None orig_names = None range_list = None for line in header: if "Interval=" in line: interval = line[1].split(" ") if "ChannelTitle=" in line: orig_names = line[1:] if "Range=" in line: range_list = line[1:] if None in [interval, orig_names, range_list]: raise NotImplementedError(OPEN_ISSUE) orig_units = [] for item in range_list: orig_units.append(item.split(" ")[1]) elif "acq" in header[0][0]:"phys2bids detected that your file is in AcqKnowledge format") interval = header[1][0].split() interval[-1] = interval[-1].split("/")[0] # get units and names orig_units = [] orig_names = [] # the for loop starts at index1 at 3 because that's the first line of the header # with channel name info and ends in 2 + twice the number of channels because # that should be the last channel name for index1 in range(3, 3 + len(header[-1]) * 2, 2): orig_names.append(header[index1][0]) # since units are in the line immediately after we get the units at the same time orig_units.append(header[index1 + 1][0]) else: raise NotImplementedError(OPEN_ISSUE) return interval, orig_units, orig_names
[docs]def load_txt(filename, chtrig=0): """ Read AcqKnowledge and labchart files in .txt format into a BlueprintInput object. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the txt Labchart file chtrig : int index of trigger channel, starting in 1 for human readability Returns ------- phys_in BlueprintInput object See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ header, channel_list = read_header_and_channels(filename) interval, orig_units, orig_names = extract_header_items(header) phys_in = generate_blueprint(channel_list, chtrig, interval, orig_units, orig_names) return phys_in
[docs]def load_acq(filename, chtrig=0): """ Populate object phys_input from acq extension files. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the txt labchart file chtrig : int, optional index of trigger channel. Default is 0. Returns ------- BlueprintInput Note ---- chtrig is not a 0-based Python index - instead, it's human readable (i.e., 1-based). This is handy because, when initialising the class, a new channel corresponding to time is added at the beginning - that is already taken into account! See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ from bioread import read_file with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) data = read_file(filename).channels freq = [data[0].samples_per_second] timeseries = [data[0].time_index] units = ["s"] names = ["time"] for k, ch in enumerate(data):"{k:02d}. {ch}") timeseries.append( freq.append(ch.samples_per_second) units.append(ch.units) names.append( return BlueprintInput(timeseries, freq, names, units, chtrig)
[docs]def load_mat(filename, chtrig=0): """ Populate object phys_input from MATLAB files. Parameters ---------- filename: str path to the txt labchart file chtrig : int index of trigger channel. !!! ATTENTION: IT'S MEANT TO REPRESENT AN INDEX STARTING FROM 1 !!! Returns ------- BlueprintInput Note ---- chtrig is not a 0-based Python index - instead, it's human readable (i.e., 1-based). This is handy because, when initialising the class, a new channel corresponding to time is added at the beginning - that is already taken into account! See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ # Load MATLAB file into dictionary. from pymatreader import read_mat mat_dict = read_mat(filename) if "__header__" in mat_dict: orig_names = list(mat_dict["labels"]) orig_units = list(mat_dict["units"]) interval = [mat_dict["isi"], mat_dict["isi_units"]] channel_list = mat_dict["data"] channel_list = [ch for ch in channel_list.T] return generate_blueprint(channel_list, chtrig, interval, orig_units, orig_names) else: # Convert data into 1d numpy array for easier indexing. data = np.squeeze(np.asarray(mat_dict["data"])) # Extract number of channels and tick rate. n_channels = len(mat_dict["titles"]) t_freq = mat_dict["tickrate"] # Stores MATLAB data into lists. timeseries = [] freq = [ t_freq, ] units = [ "s", ] names = [ "time", ] for ch in range(n_channels): units.append(mat_dict["unittext"][int(mat_dict["unittextmap"][ch] - 1)].strip()) names.append(mat_dict["titles"][ch].strip()) freq.append(mat_dict["samplerate"][ch]) idx_start = int(mat_dict["datastart"][ch]) idx_end = int(mat_dict["dataend"][ch]) timeseries.append(data[idx_start:idx_end]) # Calculate duration based on frequency and create time channel. interval = 1 / t_freq duration = (timeseries[0].shape[0] + 1) * interval t_ch = np.ogrid[0:duration:interval][:-1] timeseries = [ t_ch, ] + timeseries return BlueprintInput(timeseries, freq, names, units, chtrig)
[docs]def load_gep(filename): """ Populate object phys_input from GE physiological files. Uses the filename that the user provides to find any matching inputs from other recording types (PPG, RESP, or ECG). **Note that the filename must not be altered from how it is output from the scanner.** Populates physio_obj with all identified recording types (note that one or more of these may not be true recordings as the scanner outputs all possible types in all cases). The modality corresponding to the filename entered by the user is put first (after time and trigger). Parameters ---------- filename: str path to the GE scanner physiological file Returns ------- BlueprintInput Note ---- GE physiological files do not record a trigger so a column is added at position 1. This has a value of zero up to the scan start time and then a value of one for the duration of the scan. See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ import os from glob import glob from pathlib import Path # Initiate lists of column names and units with time and trigger names = ["time", "trigger"] units = ["s", "mV"] # Assuming recording units are mV... # Add column for file given by user if "PPGData" in filename: freq = [100, 100, 100] names.append("cardiac") elif "RESPData" in filename: freq = [25, 25, 25] names.append("respiratory") elif "ECGData" in filename: freq = [1000, 1000, 1000] names.append("cardiac") # Load in user file data data = [np.loadtxt(filename)] # Calculate time in seconds for first input (starts from -30s) interval = 1 / freq[0] duration = data[0].shape[0] * interval t_ch = np.ogrid[-30 : duration - 30 : interval] # Find and add additional data files filename = Path(filename) fnames = glob(os.path.join(filename.parent, f"*{[-24:-4]}.gep")) fnames.remove(str(filename)) # Drop the original file if not len(fnames) == 0: for fname in fnames: if "PPGData" in fname: freq.append(100) names.append("cardiac") data.append(np.loadtxt(fname)) elif "RESPData" in fname: freq.append(25) names.append("respiratory") data.append(np.loadtxt(fname)) elif "ECGData" in fname: freq.append(1000) names.append("cardiac") data.append(np.loadtxt(fname)) # Create trigger channel trigger = np.hstack((np.zeros(int(30 / interval)), np.ones(int((duration - 30) / interval)))) # Create final list of timeseries timeseries = [t_ch, trigger] timeseries.extend(data) return BlueprintInput(timeseries, freq, names, units, 1)
def load_smr(filename, chtrig=0): """Load Spike2 smr file and populate object phys_input. Parameters ---------- filename: str Path to the spike smr or smrx file. chtrig : int Index of trigger channel. Returns ------- BlueprintInput Note ---- Index of chtrig is 1-index (i.e. spike2 channel number). See Also -------- physio_obj.BlueprintInput """ import sonpy # taken from sonpy demo read_data = { sonpy.lib.DataType.Adc: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadInts, sonpy.lib.DataType.EventFall: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadEvents, sonpy.lib.DataType.EventRise: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadEvents, sonpy.lib.DataType.EventBoth: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadEvents, sonpy.lib.DataType.Marker: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadMarkers, sonpy.lib.DataType.AdcMark: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadWaveMarks, sonpy.lib.DataType.RealMark: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadRealMarks, sonpy.lib.DataType.TextMark: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadTextMarks, sonpy.lib.DataType.RealWave: sonpy.lib.SonFile.ReadFloats, } smrfile = sonpy.lib.SonFile(filename, True) time_base = smrfile.GetTimeBase() n_channels = smrfile.MaxChannels() freq, names, units, timeseries = [], [], [], [] for i in range(n_channels): current_channel = smrfile.ChannelType(i) max_n_tick = smrfile.ChannelMaxTime(i) if current_channel != sonpy.lib.DataType.Off and max_n_tick > 0: max_n_tick = smrfile.ChannelMaxTime(i) sample_rate = smrfile.GetIdealRate(i) if current_channel == sonpy.lib.DataType.Adc: divide = smrfile.ChannelDivide(i) else: # marker channels divide = 1 / (time_base * sample_rate) # conversion factor from CED spike2 doc # gain = smrfile.GetChannelScale(i) / 6553.6 offset = smrfile.GetChannelOffset(i) name = smrfile.GetChannelTitle(chan=i) unit = smrfile.GetChannelUnits(chan=i) n_samples = int(np.floor((max_n_tick) / divide)) raw_signal = read_data[current_channel]( smrfile, chan=i, nMax=n_samples, tFrom=0, tUpto=max_n_tick ) signal = np.array(raw_signal) * gain + offset # save the data freq.append(sample_rate) names.append(name) units.append(unit) timeseries.append(signal) # use the channel with highest sample rate to create time stamps idx_max = np.argmax(freq) n_timepoints = len(timeseries[idx_max]) # end point included time = np.arange(n_timepoints) * freq[idx_max] # prepend to the existing list freq = [freq[idx_max]] + freq timeseries = [time] + timeseries units = ["s"] + units names = ["time"] + names return BlueprintInput(timeseries, freq, names, units, chtrig)