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phys2bids is a python3 library meant to format physiological files in BIDS. It was born for AcqKnowledge files (BIOPAC), and at the moment it supports .acq files as well as .txt files obtained by labchart (ADInstruments). It doesn’t support physiological files recorded with the MRI, as you can find a software for it here.

The project is currently under development. Any suggestion/bug report is welcome! Feel free to open an issue.

Citing phys2bids

If you use phys2bids, please cite it using the Zenodo DOI as:

The phys2bids contributors, Daniel Alcalá, Apoorva Ayyagari, Molly Bright, César Caballero-Gaudes, Vicente Ferrer Gallardo, Soichi Hayashi, Ross Markello, Stefano Moia, Rachael Stickland, Eneko Uruñuela, & Kristina Zvolanek (2020, February 6). physiopy/phys2bids: BIDS formatting of physiological recordings v1.3.0-beta (Version v1.3.0-beta). Zenodo.