Contributing to physiopy

First of all: thank you!

Contributions can be made in different ways, not only code! As we follow the all-contributors specification, any contribution will be recognised accordingly.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Have a look at the contributor guide page as well as the code of conduct.

  2. Make sure that you have a GitHub account. You can set up a free GitHub account; here are some instructions.

  3. If you intend to contribute code and/or use the physiopy packages in any way, check that you have git and pip installed on your system. Then install phys2bids as a developer. This will let you run the program with the latest modification, without requiring to re-install it every time.


The following instructions are provided assuming that python 3 is not your default version of python. If it is, you might need to use pip instead of pip3, although some OSs do adopt pip3 anyway. If you want to check, type python --version in a terminal.

Linux and mac developer installation

Be sure to have git and pip installed, then open a terminal and run:

git clone

Basic installation

If you use python frequently, or you are a python developer, chances are that all the necessary dependencies are already installed in your system.

Move into the phys2bids folder and execute the command:

pip3 install -e .

Full developer installation

If it’s your first experience as a python developer, or you just want to be sure that you have everything you need to collaborate with us, you can install phys2bids with all the other packages that we frequently use during development in one step!

Move into the phys2bids folder and execute the command:

pip3 install -e .[all]

This will install:

  • phys2bids as an editable package, which means that you can modify the program and run it without having to reinstall it every time!

  • All the phys2bids dependencies.

  • All the interface modules, that deal with the interfaces for all the file formats.

  • All the style modules, such as flake8, to help you linter the code!

  • All the documentation modules, like sphinx, so that you can build the docs locally before submitting them.

  • All the test modules, like pytest, in order for you to test your code locally before committing it!